Low Water Warnings
The most recent report of low water conditions in Ontario, produced by the Surface Water Monitoring Centre of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF), shows parts of southeastern Ontario at Level 3 low water conditions. Click the image at right, to open a larger copy of the low water map, at August 5, 2016. Conservation Authorities (CA) in many affected areas have issued low water notices, including calls for voluntary reductions of non-essential water use in those regions. To find your local CA in Ontario,click here.
Note that one of the key outstanding recommendations from Ontario’s Environmental Commissioner (from the 2011-12 ECO Report) is that the MNRF fulfill its commitment to complete a full policy review of the Ontario Low Water Response Plan (OLWRP). Download the full ECO report, here. (PDF; 198 pages; OLWRP recommendations begin on p101)
Information provided by FOCA